- Replaces the staff/student card who is working/studying at Universiti Putra Malaysia.
- Contains Name and No Staff / No Matrix, QR Code and Bar Code.
- Allows access to systems using Putra®VID.
- Embended with Verified Apps (Module) for identification purposes using QR Code.
- Only the Putra®VID scanner is allowed.
- The identity recognition facility is virtual in full online.
- Implement infrastructure and infostructure development projects that are in line with current technology and drive towards the development of 'UPM Smart Campus'.
(a) View or review staff / student information via smartphone.
- 'On' the scanner found in the Putra®VID App.
- Create a scan on the desired QR Code.
- Information will be displayed through Verified Apps (Module).
(b) View or review staff / student information through the website.
- Open the QR Code from the Putra®VID App.
- Allow scanners on pc / notebook to scan.
- Information will be posted through the website provided.
(c) Accessing systems using QR Code.
- 'On' the scanner found in the Putra®VID App.
- Create a scan on the QR Code that is displayed on the system.
- The system will log directly into the main page of the system.
Date of Input: 02/07/2018 | Updated: 13/12/2023 | nazlina