"Don't ask what you get from your country, but ask what you give to your country" 

(John F. Kennedy)


Staff vehicle stickers are issued by the APSeC for permanent, contract, temporary and part-time...more...
External Agency Vehicle Stickers are issued by APSeC to any individual (not UPM staff or...more...
Policy and Procedure of Obtaining Student Vehicle Stickers:-   VEHICLE STICKER -...more...
Special Vehicle Stickers are issued by APSeC for vehicle users on campus who have health problems...more...
Staff cards issued by APSeC for permanent and contract staff appointed by UPM. Applicants are...more...
Matric cards issued by APSeC for students of the university. Applicants are required to fill...more...
Worker Pass issued by APSeC for employees of companies (outsider) serving in UPM campus....more...
Campus card issued by the Division of Safety for part-time employees of universities and research...more...
APSeC provides direction signage for the activities held on the UPM campus. UPM staff and...more...
APSeC provide vehicle escort services to UPM invited guests (VIPs) who attend an activity or...more...
APSeC is the enforcement body of the traffic regulation within the UPM campus [University Putra...more...