Auxiliary Police & Security Center (APSeC) of Universiti Putra Malaysia (formerly known as UPM Security Department) was established in 1978 after undergoing four important phases: the first was when it was known as the Malaysia Agricultural College (1947) the second was after the establishment of Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (1971), the third after the name change to University Putra Malaysia (1997), and the fourth after the establishment of UPM Auxiliary Police Force (2013).

Before the establishment of Universiti Putra Malaysia, previously known as Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, the position of 'Jaga' was absorbed by the University. Staff from colleges in the university who were part-time workers, cleaners, drivers and general workers were among the ones appointed to hold the post. There were only ten personnel supervised by a foreman. Security services during that time did not have an organized structure and all management tasks were handled by the Plantation Department. On April, 1st1974, the University management established the Security Unit, managed by an appointed security officer. By then, the position of 'Jaga' was abolished and was renamed as Campus Security where the total number of Campus Security personnel was 40.

To keep up with the development of the university and due to the increase of the number of students and staff members as well as the complexity of the infrastructure, in 1978, the Security Department was established. This new department was headed by a Security Director and the Security Department was placed under the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development). It was transferred to the office of the Vice-Chancellor on 1st January 2004. However, on 28th July 2006, the Security Department was placed under the Corporate Service Department of the Registrar.

To improve its quality, the Security Department had upgraded its infrastructures significantly as shown by the renovation of the Security Counters and Control Posts for greater effectiveness. In line with the university's vision to become a world-class university, the Security Department proceeded to tighten its operating system and on 19th September 2003, the Security Department succeeded in obtaining the MS ISO 9001:2008 certification.

On 1st July 2006, the Security Department collaborated with four entity: University Medical Centre, Universiti Islamic Centre, Culture and Art Centre, and the Registrar's Office. The collaboration was to acquire the MS ISO 9001:2008 certification. This was achieved by the Registrar's Office on 26th September 2007.

In 2013, Universiti Putra Malaysia made a new history by establishing an Auxiliary Police Force in line with efforts to improve the quality of security in the campus towards making the UPM campus a 'safe campus'. In addition, with the establishment of the UPM Auxiliary Police Force, all officers and members of the Security Division (BKU) are provided with police powers as stipulated in section 47, Police Act 1967 to carry out policing duties within the campus area.

On 24 June 2013, at the Dewan Taklimat Serdang, Putra Chancellery Building, a Deed Handover Ceremony was held for the Establishment of the UPM Auxiliary Police Force where the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) represented by the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Tan Sri Datuk Seri Khalid Abu Bakar handed over the document to the UPM represented by the Vice Chancellor of UPM, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Fauzi Ramlan.

On 30 August 2023, after a decade of the establishment of the UPM Auxiliary Police force, the name of the Security Department was changed to the Auxiliary Police & Security Center (APSeC) after the expansion of the organization and the department's role in ensuring the peace and well-being of the UPM campus continues to be maintained

Updated:: 11/09/2023 [miorazham]

